With our reputation for industry-relevant degree programmes, we offer our students, unparalleledopportunities to gain professional work experience alongside their studies. We’ve invested £200 millionover the past ten years to ensure students get the hands-on practical skills and experience employers arelooking for. We are part of a thriving multicultural region that is renowned for technology andinnovation, and is home to a wide range of industries, with many global companies based here, includingRolls-Royce, Toyota and Bombardier. We provide students with many opportunities to gain real worldexperience through placements and internships.
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is focused on teaching excellence and educationalinnovation. The Centre is part of the Academic and Student Experience Portfolio under the direction ofProfessor Malcolm Todd Provost (Academic). At the heart of the Centre is a commitment to high-qualitylearning and teaching which promotes student engagement and success. We work collaboratively withstaff and students across the University to ensure excellence in all aspects of learning, teaching,assessment and digital practice. Our innovative, research-informed approach places us at the cuttingedge of academic and scholarly practice. This ensures a transformational experience for every studentand supports our Gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). The Centre is made up of ourLearning and Teaching team and our Technology Enhanced Learning team. They provide professionalacademic support across the University.
Initial Teacher Education Teacher Education has a long history in Derby, being traced back to 1851. AtDerby, we offer a number of routes into teaching. These routes include both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes which prepare students for teaching children who are 0-5 years, 5-11 years,secondary and Post 14. In a climate of almost constant change, the education agenda is sometimesinfluenced by rapid shifts in policy and the needs of the contemporary workplace. Our aim is to preparestudents to meet these challenges as they are translated to the modern classroom. As an ‘outstanding’provider for primary education, the University of Derby plays a centripetal role in the supply of the nextgeneration of inspirational classroom practitioners. We strive to maintain our impressive employabilityrates to meet the demands of schools locally and nationally who are career ready for the 21st century.This is achieved through a robust mix of practical and theoretical input to ensure beginning teachershave a thorough knowledge and understanding of education. Teacher enquiry is at the heart of all ourITE programmes, ensuring that classroom practice is informed, and underpinned, by research. Wecurrently train approximately 650 students for entry into the teaching profession The University is proudto support approximately 15,830 students including our postgraduate students and approximately 3000staff.