University of Bremen
The University of Bremen is a medium-sized German university with around 20,000 students. Bremen offers a wide range of subjects and degrees for its committed and talented students: more than 100 master’s and bachelor’s degrees, as well as the state law exam. Moreover, with research-based learning, the university has reinterpreted project-based courses, a defining feature originating from when the University of Bremen was founded. As part of the European university network YUFE–Young Universities for the Future of Europe it is developing a new model for European higher education together with nine other universities.
2,300 academics, among them 270 professors, teach and carry out research in a wide range of disciplines. We have a long established tradition in interdisciplinary cooperation and excellent research in natural sciences, engineering, the social sciences and the humanities, as well as in teacher training. The university promotes diversity and has always encouraged innovative ideas and the independence of its early career researchers. Academics at all levels find a stimulating environment here. The university was successful in all rounds of the Programme for Women Professors and the Tenure Track Programme for the Promotion of Early Career Researchers and received the highest number of professorships from both federal programs.
Institute Technology and Education
The Institute Technology and Education (ITB), University of Bremen, has been working in Research on vocational education and training for more than 25 years. Currently more than fifty people are working for ITB, which is one of the largest independent institutions in VET-research. All staff members are assigned to departments, which are headed by four university professors.
Central research idea is the analysis and design of the interrelationship between technology, work and education. The scientific work of the Institute Technology and Education (ITB) focuses on vocational education and training research with the subject areas of initial and continuing vocational education and training, occupations and vocational training systems on the one hand and their demarcations and exclusions, transitions, prerequisites and alternatives on the other. Pre-vocational education, the transition from school to work, education and further training, occupations and vocational training systems are actively shaped by research (design interest) and conditions and effects are empirically investigated (knowledge interest).
In order to work in this field, an interdisciplinary research approach is required, which is why vocational scientists, engineers, vocational educators, ergonomists, educationalists, sociologists, cultural scientists and psychologists cooperate with each other at the ITB.
ITB offers degree courses at Bachelor and Master levels. The bachelor programme qualifies students for future occupations in practice and research in non-school career areas, as well as for continuing with postgraduate studies in the master programme for teachers (Lehramt) at vocational schools. The master study qualifies for the teaching post at vocational schools and of course for doing research in the field.
In the majority of its research and development projects, the ITB cooperates with relevant institutions in Europe, the USA, China, Japan and other Asian, African and South American countries.