Limon Ağacı Kültür Derneği operates in Antalya Center. Through activities in culture, art, education, special education, guidance and social areas, our members are at peace with the values and the values of the city and the people of our country in which we live, who have the knowledge and skills required by the age, organize projects and similar events. The primary work purpose of our association is disadvantaged persons / groups, minorities, women, youth, employees, pre-school and post-schoolchildren, individuals in need of special education, inventors, enterprises, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations and students. It cooperates with the Private Limon Ağacı Private Educationand Rehabilitation Center operating in Antalya with the same name, and organizes activities especially for special education children and their families. Most of our association members are special education teachers.
As “disability” is one of the main focus aspect of this project, this organization will play a crucial role in designing and developing training material for the online portal that will be offered to academic staffworking at universities. Furthermore, Limon Ağacı Kültür Derneği offers intensive opportunities for Training Program for Language and Speaking Difficulty experiencing individuals, Training Program for Physically Handicapped Individuals, Training Program for Hearing Impaired Individuals, Training Program for Special Learning Disorder experiencing individuals, Training Program for Individuals with Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Education Programs for Mentally Handicapped Individuals and their families.