We are the German partner of the
JoinMe2-Project, located at the University of Bremen in the north of Germany.
We are very pleased to have officially joined the project as a partner since
October 2021. Due to the important goal of the JoinMe2 project to promote
inclusion and diversity sensitivity in higher education, we would like to use
this blog entry to present a few examples of how inclusion and diversity
sensitivity are implemented at the University of Bremen.
The Diversity Task Force was founded by staff members of the Faculty of Education and Educational Sciences. The group is open to all interested university members, regardless of their status. The members deal with the further development of guidelines and mission statements of the faculty, develop ideas on how to reflect the attitude towards diversity and how to promote awareness in teaching.
©Matey Meza/Universität Bremen
The course unit "Dealing with
Heterogeneity" is mandatory for students in the Master's teaching program.
It consists of three seminars: German as a Second Language, Intercultural
Education and Inclusive Pedagogy. The aim of the unit is to sensitize students
of the teaching program to dealing with heterogeneity by recognizing the
intersectional entanglements of the three seminars and linking their practical
and experiential knowledge with theoretical-scientific findings and
perspectives and learning to adopt a reflective attitude and become aware of
their own social positioning.
Young Universities for the Future of Europe –
YUFE is a network of
young and innovative universities in Europe. Their goal is the development of a
European university, open to all, inclusive and participatory. All partner universities of the YUFE
Alliance have committed themselves to the consistent implementation of the YUFE
Diversity & Inclusivity Strategy. Empowerment and awareness workshops,
among others, are offered on a regular basis.
The German Educational Research Association
(GERA) is an association for educational researchers active in teaching and
research. Its wide-ranging work is mainly carried out through GERA’s 14
divisions and 18 subdivisions. The biennial congress will be hosted this year
at the University of Bremen from 13.03.22 to 16.03.22 (https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/dgfe2022/).
The theme of the 2022 DGfE-Congress is “Ent|grenz|ungen”(
The term Ent|grenz|ungen can loosely be
translated as the phenomenon in which, either through deliberate action or
societal change, borders or boundaries (whether conceptual or physical) can be
said to be abolished or dissolved.), and will focus on trends that impose or
remove boundaries in the context of education, upbringing and socialization.
The definition, development and transcending of boundaries – both literal and
figurative – can be understood as a core task of education and upbringing. Here
one could think of spatial, temporal, disciplinary, paradigmatic, political,
social, cultural and other boundaries. A
conscious and reflective approach to diversity is also promoted in the
organization of this congress, for example by providing awareness rooms and
empowerment rooms where people, if they experience discrimination during the
congress, can find a protected space to talk about these experiences and find
counseling. The members of the awareness team are diversity-sensitive and
experienced in counseling people who have experienced discrimination.
We are very happy to be a partner of the
JoinMe2 project, to contribute our scientific expertise in the context of
inclusion and diversity as well as good implementation examples to the project
and to learn from the experiences and perspectives of the other partners and
countries through joint exchange.