Book Release: "Teaching and Learning in its Relation to Difference"

Book Release: "Teaching and Learning in its Relation to Difference"

Diversity, heterogeneity, and inclusion serve as labels to discuss social relations in which difference is constructed. Teachers and learners in all settings are affected by a system, where markers such as race, class, gender, sexual identity, ability, body and language divide and hierarchise the learning space. 

Diversity, heterogeneity, and inclusion serve as labels to discuss social relations in which difference is constructed. Teachers and learners in all settings are affected by a system, where markers such as race, class, gender, sexual identity, ability, body and language divide and hierarchise the learning space. 

 In order to examine these issues from a critically perspective regarding power dynamics, Prof. Alisha M.B. Heinemann (head of the department of educational passages and diversity (University of Bremen), together with her colleagues Dr. Yalιz Akbaba (University of Mainz), Prof. Dr. Tobias Buchner (PH Linz, Vienna), Dr. Doris Pokitsch (University of Vienna) and Dr. Nadja Thoma (University of Vienna, EURAC) have published a book entitled "Teaching and Learning in its Relation to Difference". For that, scholars and students examine in an interdisciplinary way what it means to teach about difference under conditions of difference, how orders of difference affect learning processes, and what role institutions play in the constitution of orders of difference. 

 The research presented in the book thus makes a valuable contribution to (empirical) research on difference in educational science. As a pre-publication event an online release conference was organized on May 20, 2022, which was attended by more than 100 participants. In inspiring workshops, many stimulating discussions were held and numerous new impulses were gathered.