
mangoes & bullets

On this Website you can find different materials (videos, pictures, texts etc.) for thinking and acting critically of racism and domination in German, English and Spanish. The website is hosted by the association glokal e.V., Berlin


The website contains an online library, publications, events, research, training materials etc. focussing on disability from the perspective of the Disability Studies, hosted by Bochumer Zentrum für Disability Studies – Bodys and Evangelische Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe.


Here you can read daily news of disability policy, also in easy language. The website also contains a blog, videos, podcasts and events. The website and the news are edited by Kooperation Behinderter im Internet e.V. Members are disabled people and activists of the disability movement.

Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte

The German institute for human rights offers different educational materials focussing on different aspects for different age groups and educational contexts. These materials aim to give information about human rights, to promote processes of reflection as well as methods to deepen the confrontation with certain human rights-based subjects.

Ufuq e.V. is a recognised youth welfare organisation and is active in political education and prevention on the topics of Islam, Islamophobia and Islamism. They offer several services for educators, teachers and employees of public authorities in Germany.

This German website contains methods, texts, literature, videos, studies etc. dealing with the subjects culture and diversity.

Gunda-Werner-Institut der Heinrich Böll Stiftung

The Gunda-Werner-Institute for feminism and gender democracy offers a gender media library, essays, events, conferences etc. covering feminist digital politics and reproductive justice as well as LGBTQA+ etc. Some contents of the website are available in English.


“Hamam-Talk” is a podcast, discussing about identity, politics, culture, sexuality and racism.

Kanakische Welle

"Kanakische Welle" is a podcast, talking about identity, membership and stereotypes in Germany as an immigration country. The podcast aims to dissolve shame and stigma towards discrimination.

Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes

This is the website of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. In addition to information on discrimination, the website offers publications, research, counselling and training materials. The contents are available in German, English, Arabic, easy language and sign language

Vielfalt Mediathek

Educational materials on topics such as racism, right-wing extremism, diversity, etc. are available for download on this media library. They can be used for educational work inside and outside of schools.

Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e.V.

The Information- and Documentation Center of Anti-Racism Work e.V. (Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e.V.) is a charitable organisation. The tasks of the IDA include the provision of information on observations and developments as regards racism. The IDA collects information on the themes of counteracting racism, right-wing extremism, migration and society, anti-racist and intercultural openness, and diversity, and passes it on to interested individuals or organisations. These are predominantly youth organisations, associations, initiatives, schools and multipliers in the field of youth work. Some information are also available in English, French, Turkey, Russian, Arabic and Dari.

Schule ohne Rassismus

"School without racism – School with courage" aims to establish a school culture sensitizing for discrimination. The website also offers different (training) materials.


The RISE project develops media-pedagogical approaches for dealing with Islamist content in young people's lives. It supports educational professionals with background information and audiovisual learning materials in their work with young people and promotes the implementation of media-pedagogical peer projects by and with young people.


"Denkeffekt" is a non-profit association. Their educational work bases on critical analyses of society. Education is defined as a possibility to change society. The website and work of the association consists a podcast, events, lectures and materials for teachers and educators.

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

The Amadeu Antonio Foundations goal is to reinforce a democratic civil society that promotes pluralism and human rights while opposing right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism. The Foundation provides financial support and advice to initiatives across Germany that are active in youth work and schools, victim protection and victim aid, or community networking, as well as to projects providing a counterweight to the growth of right-wing extremism. The website also offers an online library.